4TH Birthday with Psychedelic Lollipop

April 17, 2009

Tonight, it is my club Girls In The Garage’s 4th anniversary!! I can’t belive that it’s been for so long!!

I want to say thank you to people who surport it and enjoy it. and my husband, who works so hard for promoting it, even he is very tired&sleepy head after he comes back from work :’)

It is also on Time Out magazine! it is so cool!!
it’s every third fridays. i hope to see you one of our night :-> you will get a free psychedelic lollipop ;->


Easter Surprise

April 15, 2009

There were lots of nice surprise during Easter Holiday!
From our neighbours…


They put lots of Easter eggs&chicks around our stairs. So nice!

From my husband…


When I came home from work, the rabbit was jumping around on the bed!

It’s my turn to create some surprise for them ;->

This friday

March 16, 2009

join us, its a fab party! you will get free psychedelic lollipops! :->


Present from Universe

February 2, 2009


my work today was making snow people :->

This Friday

January 15, 2009

I made a new flyer for this Friday Girls in the Garage.
It will be a great party, as usual ;->


Mooooou Power!

January 6, 2009

Its a time for Moooooooooou!


I had a

November 18, 2008

big hair cut… really loooong hair just has gone!!
My hair dresser left a bit longer hair to see. so I lost my hair bellow+about 4inch!

It was around my wast, and now it is next to my chin.
Especially, my hair is very thic and too much.
so i feel very light and maybe can fly to the space :->


Exhibition Pictures

September 1, 2008







It was a fantastic exhibition!! Even it was a small show, we did good job! Stupidly, I forgot my camera at the private view, so I need to ask someone to get a picture of the little sweets section at the door. But here are some from it.

I exhibited my sky works. Wherever we are, we look up the same sky, and we are in a same planet. I liked the contact card more than the actual work. it seems to work with small size.

Friday Power

August 29, 2008


DJing there tonight, come down and dance ;->


August 27, 2008

is the private view!

hope to see you there :->