Archive for the ‘photograph’ Category

Easter Surprise

April 15, 2009

There were lots of nice surprise during Easter Holiday!
From our neighbours…


They put lots of Easter eggs&chicks around our stairs. So nice!

From my husband…


When I came home from work, the rabbit was jumping around on the bed!

It’s my turn to create some surprise for them ;->

Present from Universe

February 2, 2009


my work today was making snow people :->

Orb Power

July 17, 2008


When you take photos, have you ever got the light orbs on the images? they are sign for power spot, you are in the powerful area. Feel energy!!! ;->

Soho Power

May 3, 2008


I took this in a window cafe in Soho. it is fun to do human watching from here especially at night time.

i started to be interested in taking photos these days more and more :->

Bus Power

September 24, 2007

It was such awful journey this morning!! When I arrived at the bus stop, a bus gave us lovely shower… It is very lucky ha!?

Then as soon as I arrived the shop, it started to be sunny, did I do something wrong to the world today!?

Well, I try to understand this message, but still my mind is ? ? ?

This is a view from our bedroom window last weekend. So you can tell how high our flat is ;-> (it is skylight, hahaha) amazing sky, and looks like a painting!!